

    • All times are estimated and are subject to change.
    • Bus numbers are subject to change.
    • Bus drivers are subject to change.
    • Route times and buses often change during the school year.
    • Students should be at their assigned stop, ready to board the bus 5 minutes before the scheduled stop time.


    There are areas to stay clear of when getting on and off the bus? Because school buses are so large, there are blind spots around the bus where it can be hard to see small children as they are preparing to board or after exiting a bus. Parents can help bus drivers keep children safe by discussing the danger zones shown in the photo below.

    GENERAL ROUTE NOTES  All times are estimated and are subject to change. Bus numbers are subject to change. Bus drivers are su

    Front Danger Zone:
    It is never safe to walk close to the front of the bus. Children should walk five giant steps ahead of the bus before crossing in front of it.

    Side Danger Zone:
    Children should always stay three giant steps away from the side of the bus.

    Rear Danger Zone:
    Never walk behind the school bus.

    Rear Danger Zone:
    Walk (don’t run) three giant steps away from the bus when exiting the bus.
    When the bus approaches, step back from the curb at least three giant steps.

    Information and artwork on Danger Zones from




    Shane M. Peters

    Transportation: 466-0251


    Please call the transportation department to request transportation for your child if you are a new resident or if your child rode the bus last year, but have since moved to a new address within the district.

    We only provide busing for School of Choice students at specifically designated bus stops or from any pick-up/delivery point within the Bridgman Public School district.

    We will contact parents of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students who signed up for busing during the round-up with pick-up and drop-off times and bus numbers in late August.